news17 May 2017

Flor-Food — new thermostable powder

We present the latest development for treatment and prevention of pig and poultry bacterial diseases

Flor-Food — new thermostable micro-granulated powder for use with feed.

We present the latest development for treatment and prevention of pig and poultry bacterial diseases. This is a unique drug: the active agent is sprayed on the porous vegetable carrier and coated with the special composition protecting it from high temperature and steam pressure during fodder granulation. Once inside an animal body, the protective coating is broken down by enzymes and bile acids, and the active agent acts with its highest efficiency.

Flor-Food is used for prevention and treatment of pig diseases in the setting of actinobacillus pleuropneumonia, Glasser’s disease, atrophic rhinitis, ileitis, colisepticemia and other conditions caused by florfenicol-sensitive bacteria. Flor-Food is used to treat poultry for staphilococcosis, ornothosis and other bacterial infections caused by florfenicol-sensitive microorganisms and also for secondary bacterial infections.

When administered orally, florfenicol is easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates into most organs and tissues. The maximum blood serum concentration of the antibiotic is reached after 1–1.5 hours and is maintained in the body at therapeutic levels for 24 hours after administration of the drug.